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Get Instant Payout on HUDU

HUDU is the easiest, and now the quickest way to make money by doing local projects. HUDU’s instant payout means Doers can do the project and get paid securely on the same day.

How to Collect Instant Payout on HUDU

After your project has been marked complete, open the main menu icon on the top right corner of your HUDU homepage. Tap the Payment tab and select the History heading.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap the Withdraw button to get your instant payout! Funds will reach your account within 30 minutes.

HUDU Instant Payout Not Working

If you get an error message while trying to withdraw funds via instant payout, your account may be linked to a bank account or payment method that does not support Instant Payout. Non-traditional banks, like Venmo or Bluebird, are less likely to allow Instant payout than larger institutions.

Fees for HUDU Instant Payout

HUDU’s financial partner, Stripe, charges a 1% fee to withdraw funds via instant Payout. Your bank may also charge a small fee that the user must confirm before requesting an Instant Payout. None of these fee payments go to HUDU.

HUDU Support

Want to know more about getting instant payout on HUDU? Submit a support ticket to get in touch with our Support Team!

Thanks for using HUDU!

Updated on February 1, 2024

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