Keeping it Low
At HUDU, we believe in making things as simple and straightforward as possible, and that includes our fee structure. We charge as little as possible to ensure our Doers are empowered to live well and dream big.
These fees go back into our Doer Support and Benefits Fund, which supports paid vacation, app development, user support, and everything else we do to serve our HUDU community to the highest degree of ease and excellence!
HUDU Fee Structure: Overview

HUDU Fee Structure: How it Works
Listing and bidding on projects are both completely free! When a project is awarded, HUDU charges a 5% fee to the Lister and a 15% fee to the Doer, meaning Listers pay 105% of the bid amount and Doers receive 85% of the bid amount.
The good news is that our Listers tend to save significantly more than 5% by connecting on HUDU rather than the traditional route of contracting with a traditional company!
The fees we collect go directly into our Doer Support and Benefit Fund. We deduct it automatically so there’s no need for the Lister or Doer to worry about it.
Learn more about why HUDU charges upfront.
How Listers Pay
When a Lister awards the project to a Doer, they submit the bid amount plus a 5% fee. HUDU securely holds this payment deposit until the work is satisfactorily completed.
How Doers Get Paid
When a project is complete to the Lister’s satisfaction, they will release the payment into the Doer’s account. It will show up within 1-3 days.
Our transparent fees mean that Doers can place bids with that 85% payout in mind. For example, a Doer who needs to earn $25 can bid $29.50 to collect their desired rate.
HUDU Support
Want to know more about HUDU’s fee structure? Submit a support ticket to get in touch with our Support Team!
Thanks for using HUDU!